Harrison lee

2016World Final 1A 20 Harrison Lee

Harrison Lee - 2015 Prix de Lausanne Prize Winner - Classical Variation

Harrison Lee - 2015 Prix de Lausanne Prize Winner - Contemporary variation

Dr. Harrison Lee's Mastery: Breaking a Watermelon by Hand using the Sudo Technique!

26 Levels of Yo-Yo Tricks: Easy to Complex | WIRED

2014World SemiFinal 1A 23 Harrison Lee

C3yoyodesign present WYYC 2014 1A Semi Final - Harrison Lee

2019JN Final InternationalOpen 02 Harrison Lee


I Attempted WIRED's 26 Levels of Yo-Yo Tricks Easy to Complex

Canadian Nationals 2023 - 1A 2nd - Harrison Lee

CLYW Presents: Harrison Lee - The Orca

Harrison Lee Bonfire Freestyle - CLYW

Harrison Lee - Orca 2015

CLYW Cabin Tutorial - Harrison Lee’s Signature Triangles

Harrison Lee Ballet 2013

He Can Yo-Yo Better Than 99.9% of the World

YoYoFactory Presents: Harrison Lee 1A PNWR

Harrison Lee - 1A Final - 2nd Place - Canada Nationals 2018 - Presented by Yoyo Contest Central

My consultation with Dr. Harrison Lee 7/24/18

Trails - Harrison Lee

2016World SemiFinal 1A 17 Harrison Lee

Harrison Lee - 1A Final - 7th Place - PNWR 2017 - Presented by Yoyo Contest Central

2019World SemiFinal 1A 26 Harrison Lee